Emi and the Secret Supergirls Club is a book series for SUPERGIRLS written by Agnieszka Mielech and illustrated by Magdalena Babińska. This series is recommended for 6-year-old kids and above. Clever Emi has got a buddy group with whom one day she starts the Secret Supergirls Club. Come and be a part of strange adventures with the bunch of friends, secret missions and trips to not so far away and far away places.
Feel at home and read books that are better than TV series. Books that amaze and spur to read more. It’ll be EPIC!
Emi and her friends from the Secret Supergirls Club have appeared in more than twenty books and audiobooks.
Emi's real name is Stanislava and her full name is Stanislava Emilia Gacek
Her first name, Stanislava, was given from Emi’s granny and great grandma. As the real name was a little old-fashioned, she and her parents came up with the name Emi.
Emi lives in a big city in an apartment number 8, by the Small Battery Lane.
Emi hates artichokes and asparagus
Emi can't stand buttons and she avoids unbuttoned clothes
Emi's favorite saying is: IT'S OBVS
The Secret Supergirls Club was started in Emi’s school. At the beginning it included four girls: Emi, Flora, Nelly, and Faustina
Emi and the Secret Supergirls Club is a secret organisation that's got its goals and carries out secret missions
When one boy joins the club, the alternative name of the club becomes The Secret Supergirls and one Superboy Club.
Emi is chosen as the LEADER of the Secret Supergirls Club in an unanimous voting.
The favorite motto of the Secret Supergirls Club is: I'TS EPIC
First secret investigation of the Secret Supergirls Club involved physics professor Mr. Bunsen who was suspected of making experiments that resulted in volcanic eruptions
Secret base of the Secret Supergirls Club is located under the table in Emi's bedroom.
Members of the Secret Supergirls Club have got SECRET DIARIES
Members of the Secret Supergirls Club have got SECRET BADGES
Nelly, Emi's friend with whom they founded the Secret Supergirls Club, hates pink and has never wanted to become a princess
Flora (called Flo), who is invited to the Secret Supergirls Club, is one year older than Emi
Faustina (called Fau), who is also in the Secret Supergirls Club, is a student of music school. She plays on a harp.
Frank's the son of the physics professor - Mr Bunsen. As the girls from the club say, he is a little bit snooty, but you can put up with him
Emi's favourite dog is called Chokkie. It's aunty Julia’s dog
Emi dreams about getting her own dog, preferably one from her favourite breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
The Secret Supergirls Club’s favourite cat is Violet- an outdoor cat from the housing complex at the Small Battery Lane. Violet is looked after by Felix, Fau’s brother.
Emi's favourite neighbour is Lucian Heron, who lives at the first floor of the house at the Small Battery Lane
The Secret Supergirls (and One Superboy) Club favourite activity is travelling.
Members and Friends of the Secret Supergirls Club
Stanislava Emilia Gacek, resourceful, investigative and ambitious - she is the leader of the Secret Supergirls Club. As a club's leader, she tries to be fair and not grumpy. She dreams about getting a dog - because she hasn't got her own pet, she takes care of Chokkie, her aunty Julia's dog.
Flora Flopp is a one year older friend and rival of Emi. She is the daughter of Mrs Laura Flopp, who is a friend of Emi's mum. She tricked her way in the Secret Supergirls Club, but she is an involved member.
She usually argues with Frank to prove that girls rule.
Nelly is Emi's friend and BFF. She attends the same class as Emi. She's into sports and she has never wanted to be a princess. Also, she hates pink colour. Nelly is the co-founder of the Secret Supergirls Club. Even in the toughest situations she keeps her head cool and Emi can always depend on her.
Calm and collected, Fau is musically talented. She hasn’t got as much time as her friends-she plays sharp and goes to afternoon music school. Faustina has got a busybody brother - Felix. She is a member of the Secret Supergirl's Club.
Frank Bunsen is the son of the physics professor and the only boy in the Secret Club. Girl's from the club think that he's a little bit snooty. He's into physic and he always has something to say. Frank convinced girls to change their group's name to the Secret Supergirls and One Superboy Club!
Lucian Heron is Emi's neighbour from the Small Battery Lane. He lives on the first floor and he often goes on adventures with the Secret Supergirls Club. Emi and Lucian have launched a balcony's post between their apartments to exchange letters.
Chokkie's a wonderful friend. She's patient and loyal. She's a lablador with brown fur. She normally lives with auntie Julia. EMI takes care of the dog when her auntie is travelling.
Violet is a crazy cat. She lives on the neighborhood yard and she's all over the place. She can often be seen with Felix, Faustina's brother.
Professor Bunsen
Professor Bunsen is a world-renowned physicist, specialist in nanotechnology. He travels all around the world. He’s friends with the parents of Flora and Emi. He's raising his son Frank on his own. Has got a whole lot of energy and inspires the Secret Supergirls Club to reach for more!
Emi’s Mum
Justine Gacek, Emi's mom and a businesswoman, often meets other people and rarely parts with her laptop. She's constantly learning something on courses, webinars and post-graduate studies. She's friends with Mrs Laura Flopp.
Emi’s Dad
Jake Gacek, Emi's dad is an architect and he's constantly drawing something. In the apartment on the Small Battery Lane 1, where he lives with Emi's mum and Emi, he's got a small studio. He rarely uses it though, because he always goes on business trips.
Mrs Laura
Laura Flopp, Flora's mum and a friend of Emi's mum. Elegant and neat, wall-to-wall and outgoing. Engaged in the life of the Secret Supergirls Club. She's on a constant self-discovery journey revealing new talents and hobbies.
Mr Flopp
Mr Flopp, Flora's dad and Mrs Laura's husband. He’s friendly and funny globetrotter. Is taking care of his businesses, but he always has time for his family – loves cooking and gardening.
The first release, which started it all.
Meet Emi, she is a girl just like you. She lives in one of these big cities with mum, dad, and auntie’s dog, Labrador - Chookie. Emi has got loony friends: Nelly, who hates princesses and everything pink; Fau, the girl-spider, very good at climbing and crazy about music;...
Emi and The Secret Supergirls Club are on the road again! Picturesque white and red houses, lakes full of fish, erratic weather, pickled herring, and cinnamon rolls signify Sweden's next stop....
Three books in one volume! The great book of Emi's adventures - girls' favourite main character.
Emi is a girl (just) like you. She lives with her mum, dad and a labrador Chokkie in a big city in the house on Small Battery Lane. Emi has got loony friends: Nelly, who hates princesses, musical Fau, Frank ...
Bestseller of the Emi and The Secret Supergirls Club planner returns in the 2023/2024 Edition!
Here's an extraordinary planner for super girls - a unique and one-of-a-kind planner and organizer for self-filling! Perfect for the beginning of school. The planner will accompany you with Supergirls daily, at home, at...
Here is the first graphic novel on The Secret Supergirls Club. This year Emi will celebrate her birthday at the seaside. Friends are planning a great party on a beach, but she will be delighted if her parents let her have a dog. Sadly, she gets a big plush dog as a gift, and then Club starts to...